We believe in responsible breeding of Siberian Huskies. It is well-documented that Huskies have been overbred recently, so we are committed to protecting this beautiful breed of dog. Our goal is to selectively breed a smaller, gentler, calmer version of Siberian Husky.

We successfully bred our female, Tundra, in 2022. Tundra has blue eyes with a black and white coat, with the trademark Siberian Husky “raccoon” face. She was born in 2020. She is good-natured, very tender and loving, and of course, energetic and curious. The puppies above are from her first letter, whose dad was white and gray with two brown eyes. One of the puppies had two blue eyes, one puppy had one blue and one brown, and one puppy had two brown eyes.

We will be breeding Tundra again this summer for puppies by October, and ready for their new homes by Christmas. If you are looking for a Husky puppy, contact us at (951) 573-9727 to get your name on our interest list – it fills up fast! Our puppies are $800 each, with a $200 deposit.